Microdosing edibles for insomnia

Oct 17, 2023The nama Team
Microdosing edibles for insomnia

Have you been staring at your ceiling at night? Counting sheep doesn’t work; it’s time for an effective way to improve your slumber. 

Low doses of cannabis are a natural sleep aid. Read on to learn why microdosing with edibles is your safest relief for insomnia.

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Insomnia isn’t something to take lightly. Regular tossing and turning at night can wreak havoc on your health in the long run. People generally do find solace in weed, but smoking one too many marijuana cigarettes can leave you couch-locked and too zoned out to function properly.

Enter microdosing. Low doses of THC and CBD might be the secret sauce you need for better Z’s. We’re talking relaxation without impairment, so you can maintain mental clarity and alleviate insomnia and other sleep disorders. 

Check out our collection of the best sleep gummies.

How does sleep work?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most adults require about seven to nine hours per night to feel well-rested However, the statistics show that nearly 30% of adults get less than six hours of sleep. This means that more than 50 million Americans have chronic sleep deprivation. 

During a normal night's sleep, you cycle through different sleep stages in a pattern known as “sleep architecture.” The two main stages are rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep.

Non-REM sleep progresses through three stages:

  • Stage 1 is light sleep where you drift in and out of sleep and can be easily awakened.
  • Stage 2 is slightly deeper sleep and is marked by slower brain waves with occasional bursts of rapid activity.
  • Stage 3 is deep, restorative slow-wave sleep where muscles relax, breathing slows, blood pressure drops, and the body repairs itself.

REM sleep is when you experience vivid dreams as your eyes rapidly move back and forth behind closed lids. Your body becomes immobile to prevent you from physically acting out dreams. REM sleep is crucial for memory consolidation and cognitive functioning.

Each sleep cycle lasts around 90 minutes as you transition between non-REM and REM sleep multiple times throughout the night. Healthy sleep architecture allows you to reach the deep sleep stages needed to wake up feeling restored. 

However, your healthy sleep architecture becomes fragmented if you suffer from insomnia. 

How does insomnia disrupt sleep architecture?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by persistent difficulties with falling or staying asleep. People with insomnia have trouble initiating sleep, difficulty staying asleep through the night, or problems waking too early and being unable to fall back asleep. 

Insomnia becomes a clinically diagnosable disorder when these symptoms occur frequently, causing significant distress and impairment in daily functioning. Acute, or short-term insomnia lasts less than 3 months, while chronic insomnia is ongoing for more than 3 months.

Insomnia primarily disrupts the quantity and quality of non-REM sleep. You struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep, which results in less time spent in the deeper non-REM stages each night. Lack of time spent in the restorative non-REM stages night after night has cascading negative effects on your mind and body:

  • Reduced slow-wave sleep and disruption of vital restorative processes like tissue repair, hormone regulation, and memory consolidation.
  • Impaired cognitive function including focus, learning, and memory retention.
  • Increased fatigue, sleepiness, and low energy levels throughout the day.
  • More prone to illness and slower recovery from sickness.
  • Heightened risk for metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, and mental health issues.
  • Motor impairments such as slowed reaction time and coordination.

REM sleep may also be fragmented in people who struggle with insomnia. You are more likely to experience REM disruptions if you nap a lot during the day.

Why do some people struggle with insomnia?

Insomnia can be classified either as primary or secondary. Primary insomnia happens on its own, while secondary arises as a symptom of another condition.

Several factors can cause insomnia.

  • Chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and stressful life events can make it hard to relax for sleep. High levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline at bedtime can interfere with the brain's sleep-wake cycles.
  • Medical conditions that can cause sleep difficulties are:
  • Chronic pain
  • Cancer
  • Asthma 
  • Neurological disorders
  • Digestive issues 
  • Other health problems
  • Medications such as stimulants, steroids, beta-blockers, and antidepressants can impair sleep as a side effect.
  • Family history can play a role, as insomnia sometimes runs in the family. Your genes can also affect whether you’re a light or deep sleeper. 
  • Environmental factors can prevent deep, continuous sleep, eventually leading to insomnia. These include:
  • Noise
  • Light
  • Uncomfortable beds
  • Uncomfortably high or low temperatures
  • Long naps during the day
  • Disruptive sleep partners
  • Irregular sleeping schedules
  • Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or recreational drug use

A lack of sleep degrades every aspect of your life. It can chip away at your performance, productivity, and both mental and physical health. Impaired immunity, increased inflammation, higher risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease—the list goes on. Your body needs sleep to recharge. Deprive it long enough and systemic breakdowns follow.

But there may be light at the end of your sleep-deprived tunnel in the form of a little green plant we all know and love. 

Cannabis interacts with your body's intricate systems to reduce anxiety, ease pain, and promote relaxation. A low-dose cannabis gummy before brushing your teeth could finally help you wake up each morning feeling refreshed and restored. 

Choose from our collection of THC gummies and say goodbye to sleepless nights.

What are edibles?

Cannabis edibles are products that contain low doses of THC, CBD, and other cannabis compounds. When you ingest them in the form of THC drinks or chewable gummies, the compounds go through the digestive system and deliver longer-lasting effects.

Delta 9 THC is known for the “high” it produces when consumed in sufficient amounts (above ten milligrams per serving). It is often referred to as the main psychoactive compound from the cannabis plant because, at higher doses, THC can induce more intense effects, such as:

  • Euphoria
  • Increased anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Sensory distortion
  • Cognitive and motor impairment

Those are five perfectly good reasons to stick to microdosing and avoid dangerous physiological effects. Smaller amounts of THC and CBD have therapeutic and medicinal properties. 

Don’t think we forgot about the other major cannabinoid that lacks psychoactivity but is equally potent. Unlike Delta 9, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, which is why the combination of the two is a match made in heaven. Edibles infused with THC and CBD have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, relieve stress, fight cancer, and improve sleep through their actions on the body's endocannabinoid system

What is the endocannabinoid system?

Did you ever wonder how cannabis makes you feel so chill? That’s because phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids that come from plants, namely cannabis) are processed by your endocannabinoid system (ECS). This innate network of cannabinoid receptors and signaling molecules helps regulate major functions like appetite, mood, pain, sleep, and more by binding cannabinoids. 

Your body makes its own signaling molecules for the ECS, called endocannabinoids. Phytocannabinoids dock in the same receptors as endocannabinioids, which is how cannabis interacts with the ECS. 

Pretty cool, right?

How does cannabis impact the ECS?

THC and CBD bind to your ECS’s receptors and modulate their function. These plant-derived cannabinoids mimic the functions of endocannabinoids, allowing you to reap all the relaxing, therapeutic effects. THC binds to two major cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, while CBD antagonizes, or down-modulates, the effects of these receptors in the presence of THC.

CBD has also been shown to slow anandamide breakdown which in turn increases its levels. Anandamide is one of the body's naturally produced endocannabinoids that binds to CB1 receptors to regulate appetite, memory, and motivation. This increase in anandamide levels may aid in mood regulation, anxiety reduction, and stress response. 

…cannabidiol treatment was accompanied by a significant increase in serum anandamide levels, which was significantly associated with clinical improvement. The results suggest that inhibition of anandamide deactivation may contribute to the antipsychotic effects of cannabidiol… (Leweke, et. al.)

Pretty cool that you've got a built-in system primed and ready to reap the advantages of cannabis. Research shows that the ECS plays a major role in regulating sleep and potentially fighting off insomnia. 

What is the role of the ECS in insomnia?

A dysregulated endocannabinoid system can spell disaster for your sleep. Without enough calming compounds circulating at night, your brain may have trouble shifting gears into sleep mode.

A 2016 study showed that enhancing endocannabinoid signaling increased non-REM sleep duration and continuity in mice. This effect was mediated through CB1 receptors to stabilize non-REM sleep. However, the study also found that direct CB1 activation or blockade altered sleep architecture, indicating complex roles for endocannabinoids in sleep regulation.

Remember anandamide? Research has shown that anandamide increases slow-wave sleep and REM sleep while reducing wakefulness in rats. This means it promotes healthy sleep which is a step in the right direction away from insomnia. 

The role of anandamide in sleep regulation does not stop there. It seems that the circadian rhythm of rats relies on this important endocannabinoid. In a 2005 study, the anandamide levels in the hypothalamus were higher during the day, when rats are typically asleep and inactive, and lower at night when rats rest. (Rats are nocturnal creatures, so their circadian rhythms are in opposition to ours.)

But the question still remains: how does cannabis, through the ECS, improve sleep?

Can cannabis improve sleep?

Delta 9 THC and CBD are potent sleep aids. Small amounts of both may be a viable solution for treating insomnia and other sleep disorders. 

A study conducted by Canadian researchers revealed that a whopping 71% of patients with sleep disturbances reported a subjective improvement in sleep or sleep-related conditions after being treated with THC or the combination of THC and CBD. 

Because insomnia impacts everything from cognition to emotional stability, cannabis provides whole-body relief—which is exactly what you need if you’ve been counting sheep lately. 

Insomnia leads to cognitive impairment

A lack of sleep means diminished cognition. When you're not logging enough hours asleep, you're running on empty. Simple tasks may become monumental as your brain starts feeling sluggish. 

During sleep, especially REM sleep, the hippocampus and neocortex work together to consolidate short-term memories into long-term storage and integrate new information with existing knowledge. Without adequate REM cycles, these memory processes break down.

Lack of sleep disrupts functioning in the prefrontal cortex, which controls complex cognitive behaviors like memory, attention, decision-making, and problem-solving. Insufficient sleep deprives the prefrontal cortex of rest, impairing your ability to focus, retain information, and access stored memories.

A 2019 meta-analysis of 48 research papers found that insomnia was associated with poorer overall cognitive performance. These included subjective cognitive performance, as well as objective measures in areas such as perceptual function, manipulation, working memory, complex attention, alertness, episodic memory, and problem-solving in executive functions.

One study found that people who suffer from insomnia experienced significant cognitive impairments, particularly in attention and episodic memory. These impairments were associated with disrupted sleep continuity, microstructure, and psychological factors. 

Clinically significant deficits were more frequent in the insomnia group. Within the insomnia group, individuals with cognitive complaints exhibited significantly poorer performance on a larger number of neuropsychological variables. All impaired aspects of performance were significantly associated with either subjective or objective sleep continuity, and some were also independently related to sleep microstructure… (Fortier-Brochu and Morin)

Without proper sleep, your memory also suffers. Concentration? Focus? Good luck with that. Lack of sleep interferes with cognitive processing and inhibits the formation of short-term memories and consolidation of long-term memories. With insufficient sleep, you're more likely to forget important information or have difficulty focusing on tasks.

How does cannabis enhance cognition?

Cannabis could help shield cognition from insomnia’s detrimental effects. THC and CBD are powerful neuroprotective agents. Research indicates that small amounts of THC could help with dementia and Alzheimer’s and even help reverse brain aging. 

Other research suggests that animals treated with microdoses of THC showed significant improvement in cognitive behavior. Their learning and memory functions were improved, which is a sign of increased hippocampal neurogenesis after a modest THC dose

Here’s exactly how cannabis can protect your brain from the damaging effects of insomnia:

  • Its anti-inflammatory properties protect neurons and slow neurodegeneration that causes cognitive decline.
  • It reduces oxidative stress which damages brain cells over time.
  • It improves sleep quality and duration, allowing proper memory consolidation during deep REM cycles.
  • It increases cerebral blood flow, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to nourish the brain.
  • It stimulates dopamine which helps strengthen neural signaling pathways involved in memory and learning.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in feelings of pleasure, reward, and motivation. Apart from being terribly important for cognition, dopamine is also kind of a big deal for mental health. Without it, you may start feeling blue. It’s a good thing our cannabis edibles boost the mood and support mental health

To feel carefree again and sleep soundly through the night, reach for our Bliss gummies. These delightful bites banish the stresses of adulting so you can greet each new day with a refreshed zest for life. Insomnia and depression don’t stand a chance against this one-two punch of relaxation and sweet dreams.

Our loyal customer, Jen S., is pretty happy with their mellow effects.

“These gummies are the best. They are an absolute staple. They’ve replaced my happy hour glasses of wine.”

Insomnia destabilizes emotions

Emotional stability? What’s that? Irritability and mood swings are a standard practice with exhausted brains running on fumes. Quick to anger, quick to cry, flying off the handle at minor inconveniences—not your finest moments.

…insomnia is generally associated with reduced immune functioning, risk taking behaviour, mortality risk, and psychological disorders, of which anxiety and depression appear to be the most prominent. (Akram, et. al.)

A 2023 systematic review suggests that “the experience of insomnia and/or insomnia symptoms appears to be consistently related to reduced levels of emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness.” People who suffer from chronic lack of sleep seem to exhibit certain personality traits that are typically seen as “negative or maladaptive,” such as:

  • Neuroticism
  • Introversion
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Anger and hostility
  • Negative affect
  • Social inhibition and avoidance
  • Hysteria
  • Psychopathic tendencies
  • Reduced conscientiousness and self-directedness

Without adequate rest, your brain struggles to properly regulate emotions. The amygdala, which plays a key role in processing emotional behavior, becomes overactive, triggering heightened reactions to everyday stresses. Researchers even found that specific parts of the amygdala were smaller in people with chronic insomnia disorder. 

Meanwhile, sleep loss reduces connectivity between the amygdala and frontal cortex, making it harder to control impulses or apply rational thought to intense feelings.

These changes to your brain make you emotionally volatile and reactive. The mental reserves needed to rein in frustration, anger, worry, and sadness are depleted. In some ways, insomnia seems to mimic what happens in disorders like depression or anxiety.

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How does cannabis regulate emotions?

While insomnia whittles away your cool, leaving emotions raw and ready to explode, compounds like THC and CBD actually help strengthen connections in your emotional control center.

Lack of sleep throws your amygdala into overdrive, but cannabis helps reduce excitability in the amygdala itself. Pretty soon, you've got the tools to process life's frustrations calmly rather than flying off the handle. 

But cannabis helps smooth out all that excitability and regulate your emotions. Microdosing cannabis boosts serotonin, a neurotransmitter that lifts your mood from gloomy to sunny. With optimized brain chemistry balancing emotions, you handle each day's ups and downs with a zen-like chill. Consider microdosed edibles your new personal zen master!

Is insomnia leaving you anxious and down in the dumps? A great way to boost your serotonin and decrease the anxiety caused by lack of sleep is with our Relax Plus gummies. CBD boosts serotonin levels, lifting that fog of anxiety and irritation that lack of sleep brings. Meanwhile, THC taps into your endocannabinoid system to dial down emotional reactivity and quiet racing thoughts.

The result? A wave of calm to wash away the stress of the day, followed by hours of deep rest. You’re welcome.

Insomnia depletes your energy levels

Insomnia makes you exhausted. Even after “sleeping,” you feel just as exhausted as when you went to bed. That's because tossing and turning all night doesn't provide the restorative benefits that come from uninterrupted sleep cycles.

When sleep deprived, the ability to perform tasks that require additional energy is impaired and the ability of the system to overcome the deficiencies caused by sleep loss is limited. (Engle-Friedman)

During deep non-REM sleep, your body conserves and replenishes energy stores needed to power you through the next day, so you wake up feeling recharged and energized. But insomnia disrupts your overnight rejuvenation. You miss out on the deeper stages of sleep where your cells regenerate and release compounds that combat fatigue. The rested feeling never comes, no matter how long you lie in bed.

Here’s an interesting fact: people with insomnia tend to eat more calories per day. These extra calories come from not-so-healthy foods like trans fats and sodium. Your body can’t function properly on junk food, so insomnia likely still reduces energy levels overall. According to a study, disturbed sleep prevents the body from properly restoring its energy reserves overnight, resulting in fatigue, while the poor diet quality associated with insomnia further limits daily energy. 

So, regardless of your increased calorie intake, if you’re struggling with insomnia, you are more likely to experience a chronic lack of energy. 

You can rely on naps and caffeine to perk you up. But long-term, consistently healthy sleep is the only way to restore sustainable, vibrant energy levels day after day. There's just no substitute for those nightly sleep cycles when it comes to waking up feeling refreshed and ready to go.

How does cannabis boost energy?

While insomnia is the nemesis of vibrant energy, low doses of cannabis might be your mightiest ally. Cannabis compounds interact with your endocannabinoid system to regulate energy balance. Its receptors may play a significant role:

  • CB1 cannabinoid receptors found in fat tissues help increase energy intake and storage. They activate an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, which converts excess calories to triglycerides for fat storage. Researchers suggest that “glucose uptake and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, lipogenesis, and adipogenesis are stimulated by ECs through cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors.” This means that, by stimulating appetite and fat storage through CB1 receptor signaling, the ECS promotes energy intake.
  • CB2 receptors also play their part in energy regulation. Silvestri and Di Marzo claim that their activation enhances glucose tolerance, which allows cells to take in blood sugar and produce more ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy. ATP is an energy-rich molecule that acts as the fuel for your every move. This energy-boosting effect of CB2 activation may help balance out the fatigue and lack of energy triggered by insomnia.

Cannabis can work wonders for your sleep quality, giving your body the deep, restful slumber it craves to recharge fully. Better sleep equals better energy. Simple but powerful.

Speaking of powerful, no amount of coffee cuts through the brain fog and fatigue like our Energy gummies. Whether you need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up or an energizing start to your morning, these bite-sized bursts of flavor deliver a precision dose of THC and CBD to crank your energy levels. 

They also contain B12 and L-theanine, two powerful allies of relaxed and sustained energy. B12 helps convert nutrients from food into usable energy, while the amino acid, L-theanine, relieves stress, boosts your focus, and improves sleep quality. 

Our loyal customer Cory says that the Energy gummies were exactly what he was looking for:

“It gives me all the feels without any “high” feeling… This gives me the busy, social, and relaxed feeling all at the same time. Perfect for a Sunday BBQ with the family!”

Order these energy-promoting gummies and show insomnia what’s up.

Insomnia causes motor impairment

Ever notice how clumsy and uncoordinated you feel after a sleepless night? That's insomnia sabotaging your motor skills in real-time.

Lack of sleep dulls the brain areas that control movement—stuff like balance, coordination, and planning. Areas like the supplemental motor cortex and cerebellum can't fire on all cylinders without proper rest, leaving you sluggish and unsteady.

A 2017 study found that truck drivers with insomnia had nearly twice the risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents and more than three times the risk of near-miss accidents compared to those without insomnia.

Here’s what happens to your movement when you’re low on sleep:

  1. Your reaction time and reflexes slow down. 
  2. Movements become more erratic. 
  3. Hand-eye coordination and dexterity decline. Simple tasks like catching a ball become tricky.
  4. Balance and stability worsen, increasing your risk of falls.
  5. You experience tremors or shakiness, especially in the hands. Muscles feel weaker and movements seem to require more effort.
  6. You have reduced motor learning ability and slower adaptation to new actions.
  7. Fine motor skills like writing can deteriorate.

If it involves reflexes, precision, or complex sequences of motion, you need uninterrupted sleep to execute it smoothly. 

Enter cannabis microdoses.

How does cannabis boost motor performance?

Insomnia wrecks your motor skills, no doubt. But cannabis comes to your rescue without missing a beat. 

Taken in smaller amounts, THC and CBD can help restore your coordination after a night of tossing and turning. They tap into your brain’s communication highways to get signals moving smoothly again. Cannabis can even alleviate the symptoms of some neurological disorders that affect movement, such as Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and multiple sclerosis (MS).

A 2022 review showed that cannabis helped alleviate Parkinson’s disease-related symptoms such as tremors, chronic pain, anxiety, and poor sleep quality. 

Similarly, researchers in India found that cannabis also helps reduce symptoms like pain and muscle spasticity in diseases like MS and ALS. 

Cannabis use decreases pain and spasticity in people with MS, decreases tremor, rigidity, and pain in people with PD, and improves the quality of life of ALS patients by improving appetite, and decreasing pain and spasticity. 

We know insomnia makes you clumsier by messing with motor function in the brain. So it makes sense that the same cannabis medicine working on MS patient mobility might also correct the klutziness caused by tossing and turning all night.

If you do feel like a zombie when you’re running on fumes after a sleepless night, that might also be your dopamine taking a nosedive. You remember dopamine, the neurotransmitter involved in pleasure and motivation? Well, dopamine also plays a role in maintaining normal communication between nerve cells in the basal ganglia (that’s the part of your brain that controls movement and coordination) and preventing tremors and muscle rigidity. 

When you consume THC—in moderation, we’re not talking about getting completely baked—your dopamine levels rise, you feel elated and slightly euphoric, and, most importantly, your movements glide smoothly. 

It’s pretty sneaky how insomnia hijacks your mobility control. But our Sleep Plus gummies help your motors hum again. These phenomenal edibles help with sleep behavior, implement a strict relaxation strategy, and bless you with the soothing eight-hour sleep you deserve. 

Apart from a microdose of THC and a higher CBD content (25 mg per gummy), they also contain another sleeper-helper, melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate sleep-wake cycles by signaling to your brain that it's time to feel drowsy and induce sleep. 

Pop one of our sleep gummies with melatonin at bedtime and experience the dreamy, uninterrupted slumber all night long.

Insomnia harms cardiovascular health

We’ve already established that insomnia makes you feel exhausted. But did you know that this constant fatigue leaves your heart feeling heavy and strained? 

Here’s how insomnia affects your heart health (and it isn’t good): 

  • Blood pressure and heart rate increase, even during sleep. Your body is unable to reach resting heart rate and blood pressure levels at night, so it puts extra strain on the cardiovascular system during the day.
  • Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are elevated. That’s another strain on the cardiovascular system. High levels of stress hormones constrict blood vessels, accelerate heart rate, and increase the workload on the heart.
  • Systemic inflammation that damages blood vessels rises. Inflammation triggered by insomnia causes oxidative damage and injury to the blood vessel lining. Not good. 
  • Glucose metabolism is impaired. Poor glucose control caused by sleep loss leads to insulin resistance, setting the stage for cardiovascular damage. Also not good. 
  • Cardiovascular tissue repair is disrupted due to a lack of restorative sleep. Remember how vital the non-REM sleep stage is? Among other things, deep non-REM sleep is when heart muscle and blood vessels undergo repair. Your body can’t seem to repair any tissue if it doesn’t get its beauty sleep.
  • Plaque buildup in arteries (atherosclerosis) is accelerated. Inflammation and oxidative stress accelerate fatty plaque deposition in blood vessels, increasing blockages. Blockages in arteries are bad news.
  • You have a greater risk of developing issues like hypertension, heart attack, and stroke
  • An overwhelmed cardiovascular system increases fatigue, anxiety, and tightness in the chest. Insomnia creates constant strain on the heart which manifests as chest discomfort.

Your heart needs deep sleep just as much as the rest of your body does. Deprive it long enough, and even this tireless organ will wear down. 

If you want to operate at your highest capacity, both mentally and physically, quality sleep is non-negotiable.

How does cannabis help the heart?

There's a lot of hullabaloo around the negative impact of cannabis on your heart. And sure, puffing large amounts of potentially psychoactive THC may briefly spike your heart rate or blood pressure. But we're not talking about large amounts that may cause these unwanted side effects.

Cannabis edibles contain just enough THC—balanced out by CBD for the ultimate zen—to provide the benefits without the side effects. At small doses, cannabis becomes less of a stimulant and more of a soothing supporter for overall wellness, including the heart. 

Here’s how low-dose cannabis edibles may counteract the negative effects of insomnia on your heart: 

  • Reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and other risk factors that strain your cardiovascular system.
  • Use natural antioxidant properties to help arteries stay flexible and blood flow smoothly. 
  • CBD is a mighty anxiety-buster that keeps blood pressure in check.
  • Improve sleep quality which lowers nighttime blood pressure. 
  • Better sleep means fewer stress hormone surges. 
  • Improve diabetes risk factors like obesity. 

So while too much THC can make your heart work overtime, the right microdose can help your ticker unwind after all that insomnia-induced excitement and tension. So don't let lack of sleep hassle you anymore. Add cannabis to your wind-down routine and give your entire body the calming care it craves.

We know of a good way to wind down, especially after a sleepless night. Our tantalizing THC Buzz drops aren’t exactly chewable edible but you can add them to your favorite beverage for an evening bliss or an early morning pick-me-up. Add a drop or two to your bedtime routine and see how your nights go from sleepless to sound asleep. 

We don’t like mixing our Buzz drops with alcohol. Our non-alcoholic recipes for weed drinks contain a selection of classic cocktails with a twist minus the booze. They are formulated to give you good times, not leave you with hangxiety the next day.

Find out what makes our cannabis-infused drinks the best alcohol replacement.

Why is microdosing better than other sleep aids?

Traditional sleep aids like sleeping pills are effective for insomnia. But have you noticed how they make you feel like a zombie the next day? Not to mention the potentially harmful side effects of popping pills regularly. Anecdotal evidence suggests that sleeping pills can cause daytime drowsiness, grogginess, and, in some cases, dependency.

Turns out, there's a safer, smarter alternative for kicking insomnia to the curb without any nasty side effects. Microdosing with edibles works with your body's natural endocannabinoid rhythm to move you into a gentle rest without feeling heavily sedated or zombified. 

The difference between pharmaceuticals and edibles is night and day. 

  • Edibles are all-natural, all the way. Who doesn’t love a plant over a lab? Especially when it works WITH your body, not against it. Our edibles are formulated to provide the natural sleep aid you've been searching for, without the drawbacks of synthetics, artificial ingredients, toxins, heavy metals, and other crap they inject one tiny sleeping pill with.
  • With edibles, you'll wake refreshed with no residual pill fog. Cannabis enhances truly restorative sleep.
  • Edibles allow you to tailor your dose until you find your preferred chill. It isn’t a one-size-fits-all and you can adjust your doses for a more mellow experience. Our edibles contain pre-measured amounts of THC, CBD, and other compounds, so you always know how much you’ve consumed.
  • Beyond the sleep benefits galore, edibles pack potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective heat.
  • Edibles don't just knock you out cold. They actually ease the stress, anxiety, and pain that may keep you up in the first place, treating the root causes for more restful rest.
  • No need to get hooked on habit-forming sleep meds when you've got non-addictive edibles
  • Many pharmaceuticals leave you groggy, zoning out during breakfast. Edibles let you wake up clear-headed and ready to seize the day.
  • A lot of people out there think hitting the bottle will help them pass out. Sure, it might, but booze actually disrupts your sleep quality over time. Edibles are a much healthier nightcap without the yucky hangover in the morning. (No, seriously, alcohol is such a bad choice for battling insomnia. It may even lead to addiction. But cannabis is here to save the day once again: read all about how THC gummies support you through addiction to alcohol.)

What are the benefits of low-dose edibles?

Our Delta 9 gummies allow you to microdose in a safe and controlled way that will help mitigate your insomnia symptoms while still remaining productive and functional the next day. Remember, Delta 9 is safe at lower doses and may exacerbate your sleep issues and other medical conditions at higher.

That’s why we stick to microdosing to benefit our overall well-being in the following ways: 

  1. People microdose Delta 9 for anxiety, but also to alleviate symptoms of depression and other mental health issues.
  2. Low amounts of THC can fight social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and panic disorders. Low doses of THC might also be great for stage fright.
  3. Cancer patients microdose cannabis to induce cancer cell apoptosis (cell death), prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading to other organs, and alleviate chemotherapy-related side effects
  4. Did you know cannabis is good for the brain, too? Low-dose THC edibles seem to help dementia patients by promoting the creation of new neurons in the brain. This process is called neurogenesis and it is super important for keeping your brain young and plastic. Here’s more about the effects of THC and CBD on neurogenesis
  5. We mentioned already that cannabis increases levels of dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and motivation. But THC also elevates serotonin levels, another important neurotransmitter that produces feelings of happiness. Both are essential for our mental and physical health. 

The benefits of microdosing cannabis with edibles don’t stop there. Apart from these health benefits, low-dose edibles offer other advantages that make them a smart choice. 

  • With edibles, dosing is on point every time. No guesswork is needed to figure out how much THC you’re consuming because each one is infused with an exact milligram amount. We’d like to see those nasty cigarettes pull that off.
  • Speaking of nasty cigarettes, edibles are way healthier. There’s no inhaling hot smoke or mystery vape chemicals. That’s a win for your lungs and the entire respiratory system. 
  • Smoking does provide near-instant effects, whereas you have to be patient for the effects of edibles to kick in. With low-dose gummies, the effects can kick in anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. But there’s a silver lining to it: the mellow high of edibles can stick around for hours (eight for some people), up to three times as long as smoking or vaping.
  • Edibles are very discreet to use. You just pop one in your mouth and enjoy the delicious flavors of our fruit-infused gummies. The small amounts of THC provide just enough buzz to take the edge off without sending you to the moon. 

Read more to find out how our Delta 9 gummies really make you feel

We know how our Sleep Plus edibles make us feel—calm and relaxed as we drift off to dreamland with ease. That’s what only 2 milligrams of Delta 9 THC can do (paired with CBD, of course). 

Are indica or sativa strains better for sleep?

Certain cannabis strains can really help you catch some Zzz's. Indica and sativa are the two main types of cannabis strains. Due to their varying cannabinoid and terpene profiles, they have different effects.

  • Indica strains are the sleep experts. They provide soothing full-body effects that quiet racing minds and relax tense muscles. Thanks to terpenes like myrcene and linalool, indicas release tension and dial down any anxiety or pain that might keep you staring at the ceiling. Just what you need to unwind after a stressful day. 
  • Sativa, on the other hand, brings more of an energetic mental kick. Sativa strains contain more energizing terpenes like pinene, humulene, and bisabolol, which provide more of a mental and cerebral buzz with energizing and uplifting effects. This heady, stimulating buzz won't exactly have you ready for bed. Instead, it will bring out the chattiness—which is hardly bad but just not what you want when you’re trying to catch your Zzz’s. 

So if you really want to improve your sleep troubles, go with indica strains. Let their sedating qualities work their magic so you can finally get some high-quality shut-eye and wake up refreshed.

What are the best edibles for sleep?

Any of our full-spectrum CBD gummies will help you out with insomnia. THC and CBD alone can help promote sleep thanks to their anxiety-reducing properties, but full-spectrum products go a step further by combining them. This synergistic entourage effect amplifies the sleep-enhancing benefits.

THC induces mild euphoria that helps turn off the stressed, racing mind at bedtime. It provides an overall sense of relaxation while also reducing sleep latency, while CBD complements these effects by easing anxious thoughts. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties also support more restorative sleep.

We won’t let you lose a single sheep with our gummies. Here are our best THC edibles for sleep that deliver the one-two punch of both compounds for better nightly rest.

  • Let our Relax Plus gummies whisk you away into tranquil dreams with their irresistible watermelon tang. Our precisely formulated ratio of THC to CBD promotes uninterrupted sleep without any early morning fog. Pop one after brushing your teeth, and let a microdose of THC (5 mg per gummy) gently usher you into a relaxed state where dreamy slumber awaits. 
  • Better watch out, insomnia, because there’s a new sheriff in town: Sleep Plus gummies. Each vegan gummy contains a generous dose of 25 mg CBD and only 2 mg THC plus a supporting ingredient of melatonin. This combo is just enough to usher you into dreamland without any next-day drowsiness.
  • Drift into dreamland with our mouthwatering Bliss Delta 9 gummies. Each juicy melon-flavored bite contains a gentle 5 mg dose of THC that will be your passport to the land of peaceful sleep. Awake with clarity and energy, no grogginess in sight. 
  • While not technically considered gummies, our extra potent Sleep Drops are a welcome sleep aid. With a microdose of THC, they are created to improve sleep and help calm the mind. 

Are cannabis edibles legal?

THC is federally legal if it’s derived from hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill made a legal distinction between hemp and marijuana and removed hemp from the list of controlled substances if the cannabis product contains 0.3% Delta 9 THC by dry weight or less. 

This means all our cannabis-infused edibles are legal at the federal level. Since each state decides on the legal status of Delta 9, this guide to state-to-state cannabis legality may come in handy. 

If you’re wondering where to buy the best THC gummies, nama is the right place—no fuss, no worries about the quality and purity of the products, no legal complications. All of our products are made with 100% organic, American-grown hemp with low amounts of THC. 

If you prefer a tall glass of cannabis-laced beverage (non-alcoholic, of course), shop our THC drinks now.

Cannabis and insomnia FAQ

Cannabis gummies can be extremely helpful in treating insomnia, as long as you stick to low-dose edibles and follow the recommended dosages. These gummies often contain a mix of compounds, with CBD and sometimes a touch of THC, the potentially intoxicating element in cannabis. CBD, the non-psychoactive cousin of THC, has garnered attention for its potential to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, which can be a game-changer for a good night's sleep.

The effectiveness of cannabis gummies varies from person to person because each person’s metabolism and tolerance are different. What works like a charm for your friend might not have the same impact on you. So start with a low dose and consider how you react to THC. 

CBD and melatonin are both sleep-loving compounds that employ different mechanisms to put you to sleep. 

Melatonin is a hormone your body naturally produces to regulate your sleep-wake cycle. It's your body's way of saying: “Bedtime!” If your sleep woes are related to your internal body clock or jet lag, melatonin could be your ticket to dreamland.

On the other hand, CBD is more like a soothing agent for your racing thoughts. It's been associated with reducing anxiety and stress, which can be real sleep disruptors. 

So, the choice between CBD and melatonin depends on what's causing your insomnia. If it's a matter of calming a busy mind, CBD might be your hero. If it's more about syncing up with your body's internal clock, melatonin could be the star.

Either way, our CBD sleep gummies contain both compounds, so you don’t even have to choose.

The research on the effects of CBD on deep sleep is still ongoing. Some studies suggest that CBD may enhance deep sleep, that ultra-restful phase where you're least likely to be disturbed. However, other studies report no significant impact.

The relationship between CBD and sleep is a complex tale. It's believed that CBD may reduce anxiety and discomfort, which could lead to improved deep sleep, but more research is needed to nail down precisely how it affects different sleep stages.

CBD may be the safer, more natural option when compared to traditional sleeping pills. Many prescription and over-the-counter sleeping pills can be a bit heavy-handed. They might knock you out, but they can also bring along unwelcome guests, like dependency and grogginess the next day. 

CBD, on the other hand, is generally considered gentler. It's less likely to cause dependency or leave you feeling like you've been hit by a sleeping truck. However, CBD's interaction with other medications can be a bit tricky. 

So before you add CBD products to your regimen, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have other health concerns or are taking other meds. 

100 mg of edibles is an extremely high dose for most people, and it may cause intense psychoactive effects and side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, anxiety, or changes in heart rate. For infrequent users, even a small fraction of that amount can result in strong, possibly uncomfortable effects.

For these reasons, we recommend starting with a lower dose (5–10 mg of THC) and gradually increasing as needed. 

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