Delta 9 Gummies FAQ
Can THC make my anxiety worse?
Medical marijuana appears to help some people with anxiety and other mental disorders, but it seems to have the opposite effect on others. Some people experience worsening symptoms of depression and anxiety after consuming THC.
The reason for this lies in the dosage. High THC doses have been associated with increased symptoms and have the potential to make certain conditions worse, according to a study.
Low-dose products are the safest bet. Our Sleep Plus Gummies have CBD, low amounts of THC, and an extra helping hand of 3 mg of melatonin. These flavorful edibles calm the mind and promote sleep in the most natural way.
What is a THC beverage?
A THC beverage is a drink that contains cannabis oil that has undergone processing to make it water soluble. The oil’s particles can then be uniformly infused throughout the beverage.
THC beverages include seltzers, sodas, teas and non-alcoholic wine and beer. If you feel like buzzing up your Saturday night, our Buzz Drops are the right way to go. Read our guide to the differences between THC beverages and edibles to learn the pros and cons of these two different methods of microdosing Delta 9.
Does Delta 9 make you sleepy?
Although hemp-derived Delta 9 is known for its powerful ability to relieve pain, inflammation, and anxiety, it can also induce a state of relaxation that could improve sleeping.
One of the potential benefits of Delta 9 is its ability to promote sleep. At low doses, THC can help you fall asleep by reducing the symptoms of medical conditions (autoimmune illnesses, cancer, depression, and anxiety).
If you’re interested in gummies for sleep, check out our selection of hemp-derived melatonin gummies infused with THC and CBD.
Do edibles show up in a drug test?
THC and CBD products can cause positive test results. THC can be detected in a drug test for several days after consumption. The chemicals absorbed from the cannabis edibles may be lower than with inhaled cannabis. The length of detection depends on the type of test.
Urine drug test shows traces of cannabis from 1–5 days. This method is mostly used to detect THC. Using a hair drug test, the effects of cannabis can be detected in your system for up to 90 days.
Other factors should also be taken into consideration, like:
The potency of THC in the edibles
The user's metabolism and cannabis tolerance
The user's level of hydration
The frequency of usage
How many times can I microdose in a day?
You can microdose as often as you’d like, but it’s generally recommended to allow several hours between doses. This allows the effects of the substance to peak and then dissipate before you take another dose.
Some people prefer to space out their microdosing doses throughout the day so that they can reap the benefits of increased creativity and productivity without feeling overwhelmed. Others find that taking a dose first thing in the morning helps them feel more clear-headed and focused throughout the day.
Koppel, B. S., Brust, J. C., Fife, T., Bronstein, J., Youssof, S., Gronseth, G., & Gloss, D. (n.d.). Systematic review: Efficacy and safety of medical marijuana in selected neurologic disorders: Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. PubMed Central (PMC).
Alaska State Legislature. (2021, January 22). Alaska State Legislature.